Welcome to the Favorite Freezer Foods Ezine Issue #18: A New Year

January 4, 2010

What’s New This Month?
Resolutions or Goals?
4 Things to Keep in your Freezer to Help You Eat Healthier

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What‘s New This Month?

On the home front: We had a great December. Having my mom here was amazing and the two of us made a huge Christmas dinner together for the first time in six years. It brought back great memories.

Between work, family, Christmas, New Years and everything else my freezer is feeling pretty empty. It was a blessing to be able to pull something from the freezer when we didn't have the energy left to cooking. And while I wait to get it restocked I'll be defrosting the freezer, re-organizing it and making sure my freezer inventory sheet is up to date.

On www.FavoriteFreezerFoods.com: By far the most questions I get are about what containers to use. Because of this I'll be expanding the section on the site about freezer containers giving you more details about each type, when to use them and sources to order them from.

I'm excited to say that I've found some really cool containers that used to be quite elusive. Plastic containers you can put in the oven can make a simple gift and are great for helping out others. And containers with dividers so you can make homemade microwave meals. Even disposable paper ones that are oven safe (up to 390 F) and microwavable for people who don't want to use plastic or glass.

Resolutions or Goals?

Who doesn't want to eat better, exercise more and be healthier?

The fourth of Janurary. By now many people have already given up on their New Year's Resolutions. Sad but true. The thing is it's not too late. There’s still 361 days left this year, so you can turn that 'failed' resolution into a goal, reach it and feel good about it.

Regardless of what your goal is there are steps you can take to make it stronger and accomplish it. No, we're not talking about the SMART system here but things that really help me and I have no doubt will help you too.

I'll use those vague goals "eat better" and "exercise more" aka the "be healthy" goals as examples.

Make it Emotional (yes, even you guys): Emotions give us deeper reasons to do things. Instead of thinking you need to eat better, lose weight or work out more because ‘society’ tells you that you should, do it because you want to.

Think of the emotional reason to reach your goal and make it positive:
~ I want to live longer and have more time with my family
~ I’ll feel healthier
~ I’ll be stronger
~ I’ll look better

These are still to vague to motivate. Make it personal and exciting to you. What is it you really want? For example you might say to yourself:
~I want to live long enough to walk my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day.
~ I'll keep my diabetes in check.
~ I'll be able to carry my baby boy for another year as he grows and gains weight.
~ I'll look better in a swim suit and feel great about going to the pool.

Whatever your goal when you relate achieving it with something you deeply desire you’ll find the courage and motivation that you need to reach it.

Break it down: If you want to eat better you have to decide how you’re going to do that. Self improvement is a process so don’t feel like you have to take radical steps.

Find ways to take baby steps. For example: Let’s say your doctor told you (or your spouse) to eat healthier including a reduced sodium diet. Think of little changes that you can make. If you eat spaghetti and meatballs once a week than making your own sauce and freezing it instead of using the stuff out of a jar can reduce your sodium.

Take action: If you want to change you have to make a change. We are creatures of habit so the easiest way to change is often to build a new positive habit.

If you made a habit of making a triple batch of dinner and putting two in the freezer every Thursday you’re setting yourself up to eat better in a practical way.

Get accountable: Sometimes, especially when our reasons for doing something aren’t strong enough, or our schedules seem to hectic it’s easy to take shortcuts.

Find someone to swap one of your freezer meals with on Friday and you’ll be cooking instead of ordering take out on Thursday night.

Try to pick someone who'll really hold you up to your promise not a friend that you can call and talk out of it. Sometimes the best accountability partner is someone who's already doing what you want to do.

4 Things to Keep in your Freezer to Help You Eat Healthier

1) Frozen veggies: How are you going to eat veggies if you don’t have any? Frozen veggies are healthier than many fresh ones, keep longer, and are faster to cook because the prep work is done.

2) Frozen Fruit: Need more to hit your 5 serving a day of fruits and veggies?

Try the easiest smoothie recipe ever: 1) Dump frozen fruit into a blender using any type you have in any combination that sounds good to you. Add some yogurt if you want. 2) Add liquid; fruit juice or milk are great, if you have nothing else on hand use water. 3) Blend

Too thick or trouble blending? Add more liquid. Too thin? Add more frozen fruit or just add ice cubes.

3) Homemade freezer meals: Having homemade meals can keep you from ordering delivery or going out to eat. Plus they are healthier than the store bought freezer meals.

4) Time savers: Precooked and frozen foods that you can use as meal components can save you a ton of time when cooking. Try brown rice, chicken, ground beef, chopped onions, or whatever you use often.

I love keeping brown rice in the freezer because having it already cooked makes me less tempted to make instant or converted rice, you know - that 5 minute stuff, which is less healthy and less flavorful.

So this January focus on the little things you can do to help yourself in ways that add up to big changes.

Contact me:
If you have any comments, opinions, content ideas, or requests I'd love to hear from you. You can find me on Favorite Freezer Foods' Facebook page

Eat Well!
Michelle Zack

Site Build It!

P.S. If one of your goals for the new year was to work at home or build your own business you need to check out SBI. SBI, or Site Build It, is the program that I use to run my website and includes everything from web hosting and email services to a text and video Action Guide teaching you how to build a website that oozes with passion and makes a nice profit.

Once a year they have a buy one get one free special and the deadline is tonight (January 4th) at midnight.


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